Monday, September 5, 2011

'Wake me up when September ends'

In honor of Labor Day a little Rosie!

This is new for me.... planning. I recently discovered I'm a pantser. Learned something new. I don't plan when writing and there's a name for that. Pantser. Funny, I plan everything else-- dinner, activties, my daily schedule (somewhat).

I've decided as my schedule gets busier I should plan. Planning means commitment. Planning means that I'm setting deadlines, goals, and putting effort into what I want to do. *You're saying "Get to the point!"*

Point is I'm going to starting having some sort of announcement on my blog for what's coming up each month. Ha! I'm forcing myself to commit to posting on a better schedule then just putting a schedule in the sidebar, which will be changing FYI.
Let us begin---> September is a month that already a few days in I want to end, like the Green Day song! Since I can't sleep through the month I'll try to make things exciting.

-First up I'll have reviews for 2 independent publication books otherwise referred to as self-pubbed.

-I'm going to keep trying my hand at Monday Funday posts with the blogs to check out, contests, and other web joy.
-Don't forget the Writing Profession Series-- I want to keep that one going, as there are a million more writing jobs to learn about. I've got the Book Reviewer and I'm hoping to follow up with a Screenplay writer and Ghost Writer.
-There will also be some posts about other blogs I've stumbled upon in more detail to help sway you to the other side. These blogs may deal with writing and maybe not. Life is about enjoying new experiences... for example who knew that PB&J is better with sliced strawberries and banana. I didn't until today!
-Finally a smattering of other book reviews for books that I read outside of my reviews on The Season; including Ghosts of Rosewood Asylum by Stephen Prosapio.

P.S. This post will replace 1 of my Funday Monday posts, but oh well! I'll be back next Monday with some contests and other things to check out!


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