Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fabulous Five Blog Hop

Today, I'm blogging as part of the Fabulous Five Blog Hop. Thanks to V.S. Morgan, a fellow Decadent Publishing Author, for tagging me. She's got a delicious book out called The Gift, it's part of the 1NS series and is a light BDSM with M/M Romance. For more on that book and what she's got coming up check out her Fabulous Five post.

Now, the questions: 

What am I working on?
I'm currently neck-deep into two different projects at the moment. My Highlander Erotic Short Story Anthology, which will release in October and a Contemporary Romance series.

How does my work differ from others in its genre?
My highlander project is about fallen women, no unrealistic virgins in those stories. I also steer away from the deep, written accents because I'm not a fan of them myself and I wanted to write a delicious story with out them. 
For my contemporary romances, I'm all about unlikely heroes. I believe on going outside the mold and after a hero you wouldn't suspect. Instead of fire fighters, soldiers, and billionaires think nurses, hair stylists and accountants. I firmly believe everyone deserves a happily ever after.

Why do I write what I do?
I believe in challenging myself. Every project I take one is about personally challenging myself to either think outside the box or face a certain trope that I don't like and take it on. For example: I despise zombies. One of my biggest fears is facing a zombie apocalypse. Anyhoo, there was a call for zombie fairy-tale re-tellings and I stepped right in and wrote one. Of course, it hit the rejection list, but I have plans to re-vamp for a self-publish venture in the future.

How does my writing process work? 
Well, it's ever-evolving. I'm still in the stage of figuring out what works. I know what works for short stories, but novella's and full-length projects I'm still developing my process. Recently, I've been playing with conflict boxes. My main writing style is to get a basic plot outline completed- especially knowing how the story ends. If I can see the ending and the black moment, I can write it. After that it's all fill in the blank and a bit of organic writing... allowing the characters to take me on a journey.

Now, this is the part where I tag other authors, but the deal is that most of the authors I know are furiously scribbling away at their computers writing the next novel. Blogging time is extremely limited. So, I won't directly tag anyone, but if you want to post on the blog hop shoot me an email and I'll forward you the deets!

Happy Writing Everyone!

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